These bags contain everything you need to honour your chosen deity! We've used our years of experience and knowledge to curate a selection of herbs, flowers, and ethically sourced animal parts to pay tribute to these deities and call them into your space.
It isn't always easy to source some items they enjoy, so we've made it easy! Just open the drawstring bag, and the sealed inner package, and place the desired amount in an appropriate offering dish.
Offerings may also be used to create your own Devotional Bottle! Simply add contents of bag to a clean, cleansed bottle, seal with cork or cap, attach the included charm to the neck of the bottle with string or ribbon (or inside the bottle itself) and seal with wax.
Note: If you choose to work with a specific deity then it is of the utmost importance to provide them with offerings that please them. It is a payment of sorts. These have been packaged with intent and respect. They are not to be used for conjure or any purpose other than working with and paying tribute to the deity for which they have been created.
*Morrígan Offering Bag contains crow feathers. Lilith Offering Bag contains snake sheds. The Old One contains an animal bone (fox). All are ethically sourced and taken with appreciation for the animal and its gifts. No animals were harmed in the making of these products.