Choose from several different types of in store readings! We offer tarot and oracle readings on both walk in and appointment basis; please call 905-227-7707 to pre-book.
Examples of three card readings include:
Past | Present | Future - fantastic for an overall look at your life
You | The Other Person | The Relationship - for those already in a relationship looking to achieve insight
Stop | Start | Continue - gain insight on the adjustments you should consider to improve your life
Mind | Body | Spirit - how your mind, body and spirit are working currently and what can be done to improve connections
Material State | Emotional State | Spiritual State
You | Your Current Path | Your Potential - career insight with your current path and what your potential could be in the near future (and changes if necessary)
Current Situation | Obstacle | Advice - helping you gain insight to your current situation be it career, love, etc and the obstacles and advice to achieve positive results
5 Card Finding Love Reading
This reading will go over whether you are ready for love, how you will or already have met your new love (and their qualities), the characteristics and the potential of a new relationship. Perfect for someone who is looking for guidance in their love life.
7 Card Year Ahead Reading
We will look at accomplishments in the last year, what the new year will bring, obstacles you may face, your strengths, advice from the Universe, your path forward and clarity to help maintain focus throughout the year.
10 Card Celtic Cross Reading
This reading includes all of the following:
Where you are now
Your Potential
What to focus on
Your past
Your strengths
Near future
Suggested approach
What you need to know
Hopes and fears
Your potential future
Please note that the Celtic Cross reading is a broad spectrum reading that may cover many facets of your life including relationships with family, friends or loved ones, money, career, etc.